Kamis, 10 November 2016

Your favorite place you’ve traveled to

Hello all
Welcome to my blog
My name tomi, lectures at universities Tanjungpura Pontianak in West Kalimantan Indonesia.
Mathematics faculty, study program: Computer Systems.

tonight I will post an article about the " Your favorite place you’ve traveled to" for more details, we get on with it.

Traveling is the best way of being grateful. You will realize that the world is not an area of ​​Moringa leaves, just try to explore the places in your city. You will be struck by the amazing views that you never would have guessed.

Traveling will be more exciting and enjoyable if not only you yourself who enjoy it. In addition to go along, share your experience will also make your traveling much more meaningful than just a holiday. Well, in addition to sharing the experience can tell you verbally, you can also tell by the handwriting. Nowadays there are a lot of media that you can take advantage of such as facebook, blogger, wordpress and others.

Storytelling with writing will make your traveling experience more beneficial. In addition, the range of the receiver is far more than verbal storytelling. Write down your experience will also help the other traveler who want to visit a place you've ever attended. So, my friends want to wait any longer?

here I will tell traveling places I like to visit.

church in the hills with views are still beautiful and located in a region with the School of Philosophy Theology (STFT) St. John of the Cross, and its existence is managed by the Brothers and Sisters of Carmel CSE whose presence was greeted enthusiastically by the local community.

ok friend of my friend so discussion regarding Your favorite place you’ve traveled to.

may be useful and add insight.

thank you for reading

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