Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Pengalaman kuliah di fakultas mipa

halo guys.....
jumpa lagi dengan saya Tomi, saya saat ini berstatus mahasiswa guys saya kuliah di universitas tanjungpura yaitu yang letaknya di ibu kota provinsi kalimantan barat yaitu pontianak. Sesuai dengan minat saya, saya mengambil jurusan yang sangat modern sekali ya itu lah SISTEM KOMPUTER namanya.

Mengapa dibilang modern karena komputer termasuk teknologi dan setiap sesuatu yang modern itu pasti kebanyakan datangnya dari Teknologi. Sangat menarik sekali ya....

Ok guys pada hari ini dimana hari untuk menenangkan diri sejanak karena baru kemarin selasai UAS beberapa MAKUL dan dilanjutkan hari senin.

Disini kita akan saya akan menganggkat Topik mengenai “pengalaman selama kuliah di fakultas mipa” sebenarnya sih itu topik diambil oleh dosen kami hehehehhe.
Ok guys berbicara mengenai topik di atas rasanya teringat waktu zaman SD karena, wktu SD sering di suruh guru  buat cerita pengalaman ditulis di kertas dan dibacakan ke depan. Dizaman yang serba era digital ini kita tidak lagi menerapkan hal jadul seperti pada zaman SD karena yaa itulah kecanggihan teknologi sekarang ini.

Oke guys kita langsung bahas topik

Berdasarkan yang saya rasakan mengenai pengalaman saya berada di kampus MIPA ada banyak hal yang sangat menarik dan buruk. Masuk fakultas MIPA ternyata banyak pujian dari orang orang luar katanya anak MIPA tu jago eksak, ceweknya cante cante begitu juga cowoknya keren keren dan untungnya MIPA tidak ada haters nya dari fakultas lain.
Jadi berdasarkan keterangan diatas yang sudah dijelaskan saya pribadi merasa bangga jadi anak MIPA walaupun saya kurang mampu dengan eksak.
Hal menarik yang saya dapatkan adalah saat sekelas dengan prodi lain dimana saya dapat berteman dengan prodi lain yang dari MIPA melalui sistem kuliah kemipaan.
Hal menarik lainnya adalah setelah saya mendapatkan mata kuliah yang namanya KALKULUS, ini lah mata kuliah yang banyak haters terutam di prodi kami SISKOM hehehe.
Faktanya anak MIPA ada sebagian yang kurang mampu dengan eksak terutama bagi yang Prodi SISKOM, SISFO, Ilmu kelautan dan Biologi.

Jadi, hal yang dapat saya simpulkan dari pembahasan topik di atas adalah;
Tidak semua anak MIPA yang pintar ngitung terutama dalam bidang matematika, fisika dan kimia kecuali yang mengambil jurusan tersebut.

Mungkin cukup sekian pembahasan saya mengenai topik di atas. Apabila ada ketidakjelasan kata (mungkin itu salah ketik) atau kurang menarik dari blog ini mohon disampaikan pendapatnya dikolom coment.
Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih

Thanks for reading

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Night all
safely reunited with "SLOW BUT SURE" blog. thank you for miss Dini Haiti Zulfani  as our English lecturer who has much to teach us about a lot of things in the world of English mainly through this blog. This post is; last post of our weekly task that is clicking post topics through blogs.
on the occasion tonight we got a computer system courses the topic "Your top Recommendations for things to do in your town" and this too is our last post.
Let us go directly to the discussion

talk about the recommendations for things to do in the city reminded me go back to my hometown. for that I take an existing tourist attractions in our region is precisely in the district Landak. This yahhhh him
cascade Bedawan

Bedawan cascade is a sight to visit in addition to some other beautiful places, here we will find some of the beauty that is enough to make eyes and our hearts are fascinated and grateful. It is located in the district of Landak. If you want to feel the sensation of water cascade, please go to cascade Bedawan as children of Backpaker Landak. This place is a place that I often visit each holiday.

in addition to a beautiful tourist spot, Landak also has the largest church which is located on the hill. located in the hamlet Bandol village Untang, subdistrict Banyuke Hulu, District Landak. Retreat house in the hills with views are still beautiful and located in a region with the School of Philosophy Theology (STFT) St. John of the Cross, and its existence is managed by the Brothers and Sisters of Carmel CSE whose presence was greeted enthusiastically by the local community.

it is also the area I had a magnificent place that the regent's office hedgehog.
Hedgehogs Regent Office located at KM 3 Town Ngabang towards Pontianak, looks grand and beautiful with a yard large enough.
The four-storey building the largest building in the city and specifically the widest Ngabang.
With the construction of a modern, certainly a concern for anyone who just saw.
With spacious building, would also have a large hall. Where the hall usually used for public events in addition to local government events.
So is the front page, in addition to the ceremony, often used as a place of entertainment events that use the stage and sound system

Okay enough of my discussion of Your top recommendations for things to do in your town . This topic may be useful for the reader.
thank you for reading ☺☺

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

know more about the digital forensics

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Dear miss Dini as the English lecturer and friend I'm proud. First of all let us pray gratitude to god almighty one because thanks to the grace and blessings we can gather in this room to implement this speech. prior to the discussion let me introduce myself my name is tomi and I will deliver a speech on "".


  • understanding of digital forensics

Digital Forensics is the use of analysis and investigative techniques to identify, collect, examine and preserve evidence or information is magnetically stored or encoded on a computer or digital storage media.
  • The stages on Digital Forensics
An expert Digital Forensics can describe the stages and methods used to obtain information about the file deleted, encrypted or damaged. So what are the actual stages in the implementation of Digital Forensics? In general, there are four (4) step which must be done in the implementation of Digital Forensics, namely:

1. collection
2. Maintenance
3. Analysis
4. Presentation
  • examples of cases that rely on digital forensic evidence
The case of Bank Century, BLBI cases involving Artalyta Suryani and prosecutor Urip Tri Gunawan, murder of Nasruddin Zulkarnain involving former KPK chief Antasari Azhar, piracy site KPU, ATM burglary, the spread of video affectionate like the top artists of Indonesia to the case of Gayus Tambunan.

  • Conclusion
Digital Forensics is a scientific technique that examines the digital tools in helping the disclosure of a wide variety of criminal cases. The stages are performed on Digital Forensics include: collection, maintenance, analysis, and presentation.

so many of my speech on know more about the digital forensics . if there are words that are less pleasing I'm sorry. I hope this speech can useful for listeners.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. wb

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

resume volare chit chat

OK Friends
it's time we act to continue the task that arguably quite complicated but, although complicated I will keep the spirit to do it. on the blog post we will discuss about the resume of a radio "volare chit chat" with a frequency of 103.4 FM. on the content of the radio there are some segments obtained were: first is How To Say It, the second is the idiom, the third is bilingual, and the last is English please.

okay we go directly to the discussion

1. How to say it
    on the part of this segment is discussed about the idiom. in this segment of the sense idiom speaker said that a group of words that has a different meaning when used together. for this day they gonna to discuss idiom; Read someone like a book, when translate separately has some meaning like read that mean you can understand written words. like mean that they share of same of same qualities or features. that a mean one, and books, when they gather Reviews their being has a meaning and that is; to understand someone and always known what in his mind like "you know me so well and this idiom Also has a synonym and it is read someone mind.
Example: - The wife jenny john can read him like a book he knows when he's something of a problem and everyone knows that without his john missing.
- And do you, I can read you like a book
- You can not hide anything from me, I could read

2. idiom
 on the part of this segment also discusses idiom. Idiom interpreted in this segment is a group of words strung together in a certain order, which means not predictable from the meaning of its constituent words separately. in this segment I got a new idiom. in this segment also I get examples of words such idiom; this house is the result of blood sweat and tears, there will much blood sweat and tear before have we complete this project, after a year of blood sweat and tear tini finally earn the college degree, and everything i do thought of blood sweat and tear is just to having you stand.

in this segment I got a picture of a man who holds the world record with a stunning appearance that Simon barley age of 24 years. stunning appearance of him for doing bungee jumping from 75 meters above the ground only to dip a biscuit into a cup of tea.

4. English please
Ok friends on the last segment we will discuss about the speaker's opinion. array's opinion  he didn't worship an idol but he notice the phenomena on media fervent  for him it has no effect but knows it from the news quite option . usually he's not under secondary media upload like tabloid and etc. quicken and cabal but it change a big deal of people like what your idol doing , food ,  or outfit , odi's opinion he's still not sure about it and allot of negative thing , because of some big thing that he's not understand . vidia's opinion when she adore someone or an idol just for his happiness even if . there is much thing that show bad thing the good impact from from worshiping was  like a motivate to learn english so well , even if you don't know them so well . between the host and the speaker has a difference perception .

Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

night friends ...
as usual I got the task every week that the blog post.on this occasion I will discuss about "It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?". for me the title looked quite strange and cool to be discussed.okay we get down to business

talk about food is a popular topic for the food lovers, especially for people who are obese fat would have a strong appetite. on the above topics, namely "
It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?" about an answer that we can not determine when we are called by the almighty whether that's tomorrow, after tomorrow, next week and so we do not know. then the "It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?" we can not determine because it is in the hands of god.

could be because we are poisoning food or drink and that's the last meal called us as long as we live on earth but, not necessarily because we still feel alive.

so the conclusion is as long as we live in a world we can not determine when we will die and call the food we eat into the food last as long as we live in this world. we can not determine the choice of food to make us die.

okay so my discussion of "
It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?" may be useful and add insight to the reader.

thank you for reading

Kamis, 24 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Good morning friends, meet again with me tomy Tanjongpura students from the university, study programs and NIM H1051161028 computer system.
on the morning of a beautiful day we will discuss about "A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later sel" that is the task given by our English lecturer. talking about "A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self"  reminds me of the past while still attending primary school and one that can not be forgotten when playing with a friend my little friend first hehehehe

oke friends we immediately discussed it and he
the little time I often play with my little friends still time status elementary school (SD). we often play together, bathe together equally and climbing trees to tell me. we are often told of our dreams when we are again at the top of the tree.

I've told him that I was looking for a guitar band dreams aspirations and it happened when I sat on the bench secondary school (high school). when the little time I do not aspire to go to college because of the little time I had never heard the word college and still blind knowledge.

when I entered the junior high school I began to adapt to the people around and start getting information. from where I began to learn the name of the computer and this is where I am eager to explore the computer.

when I was still in junior high school I dreamed of becoming a person skilled in the field of computers and their future goals I keep until I was in high school. I learned and continue to learn with computers and finally I could passable master computer until I believed my friends to go to college.

I was confused and I was thinking how I could go to college while my parents and my people can not desperate to go to college. in the end I followed a scholarship program announced BIDIK MISI of our school and I try to register from the program by taking courses of study informatics and computer systems engineering.

time to time and I finally accepted a student from the university tanjungpura, it was a nightmare that happened to me.

but, the fight does not break up there alone and there are many who still struggles I faced that during this lecture. I have to be diligent, strong, spirit and still develop talent.

okay so many friends from my discussion about  A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self.
hopefully this article useful for the readers and do not forget to share, okay

thank you for reading

Senin, 14 November 2016

Your karaoke song of choice and why

hello friends meet again with me tomy Tanjongpura students of the university, faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, computer systems courses. in this post I will discuss about Your karaoke song of choice and why. he explanation.

Is a Form of Interactive Entertainment karauke or video game in which amateur singers Singing Along with recording the music (music video) by using a microphone and sound public system. Karaoke music is usually reduced lead vocal track. Lyrics are usually displayed on a video screen, along with symbols Moving, Changing color, music, or video image, lead singer for review.

on this occasion I will explain karaoke song that became my favorite is a song from the band group "stinky called cinta suci".

on this song I was blown away with lyrics that are so immersive and nice relaxed tone also makes tasty dinyaniykan.

besides the arrangement of this song is also very interesting and make sing very slow getting carried away.

ok, so many of my discussion may be useful.
thank you for reading